Ozone Limb Bagging
Ozone Limb Bagging is a method of treating chronic wounds on extremities. If for example a patient has an open wound on their foot they would come in and have a plastic bag wrapped around the injured foot. The bag would then have a line of ozone going into the bag. An exit hole with a “destructor” would also be placed so that that there is a constant flow of oxygen & ozone into the bag. The “destructor” functions to destroy the ozone as it exits the bag so that the people in the room do not have to inhale ozone.
What is Ozone?
Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3). We generate ozone by running an electrical current through medical grade oxygen.

What is Ozone Therapy?
Dr. Julia Ward employs different Ozone Therapies, including: Direct Intravenous Ozone Therapy, Ozone Dialysis and Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy. We detail each treatment separately but first, what exactly is ozone therapy? Ozone therapy takes medical-grade ozone, which is a highly reactive form of pure oxygen and creates a curative response in the body. The reactive properties of ozone stimulate the body to heal itself which is the cornerstone of regenerative medicine Dr. Julia Ward is offering.
What is Ozone Limb Bagging?
Limb bagging with ozone gas is a medical procedure that is used to treat certain conditions such as chronic limb ischemia, diabetic foot ulcers, and infected wounds. The procedure involves placing a patient’s limb, usually a foot or leg, into a bag that is filled with ozone gas.
Ozone gas is a highly reactive form of oxygen that is produced by exposing oxygen molecules to an electric discharge. It has potent antimicrobial properties and can help improve blood flow by stimulating the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps dilate blood vessels.
During limb bagging with ozone gas, the limb is first cleaned and disinfected to reduce the risk of infection. The limb is then placed into a bag made of a gas-permeable material, such as polyvinyl chloride. Ozone gas is then introduced into the bag, either by pumping it in or by using a specialized machine that generates ozone gas.
The patient’s limb is allowed to remain in the bag for a specific period of time, usually between 20 minutes to an hour. During this time, the ozone gas penetrates the skin and soft tissues, where it can help kill bacteria and other pathogens. It can also help improve blood flow by stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which can help improve oxygenation and promote healing.
Who can benefit from Ozone Limb Bagging?
Ozone Limb Bagging may be used for a variety of conditions. Patients with the following conditions often see improvement:
- Chronic Limb Ischemia: This is a condition that occurs when there is not enough blood flow to the limbs, which can cause pain, ulcers, and difficulty walking
- Diabetic Foot Ulcers: People with diabetes can develop foot ulcers due to nerve damage, poor circulation, and other factors. These ulcers can be slow to heal and can increase the risk of infection.
- Infected Wounds: Ozone gas has antimicrobial properties that can help kill bacteria and other pathogens that may be present in infected wounds
- Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): This is a condition that occurs when there is a buildup of plaque in the arteries that supply blood to the legs and feet, which can cause pain, cramping, and difficulty walking.
- Venous Insufficiency: This is a condition that occurs when the veins in the legs are not able to properly return blood to the heart, which can cause swelling, pain, and skin changes
What are the health benefits of Ozone Limb Bagging?
Some of the health benefits of Ozone Limb Bagging are:
- Kills infection
- speeds up wound healing
- increases tissue oxygenation
How to prepare for your Ozone Limb Bagging treatment?
There is no preparation needed. Dr. Ward will prepare everything when you come in.
What to expect during my Ozone Limb Bagging treatment?
You will arrive and be shown to our ozone treatment room. You will then sit in a very comfortable recliner and blankets and pillows will be provided. You will be asked to read over and sign the consent form. Dr. Ward will go over the procedure with you and any questions will be answered at this time.
The wound will be cleaned and moistened with saline. A bag is then placed over the limb and a line with ozone flowing out is placed in the bag. An exit hole is made which has a “destructor” device that breaks down ozone as the gas exits. This prevents the patient and staff from breathing in ozone gas. Ozone gas is very irritating to the lungs so breathing ozone is the one way that you do NOT want to do.
What is the difference between Ozone Limb Bagging and Major Autohemotherapy (MAH)?
Some patients inquire if we offer this service. Major Autohemotherapy, (MAH) therapy began in Germany in the 1950s. This was one of the original ways that ozone was mixed with blood outside of the body. Before the Hyperbaric 10 Pass was invented this was the “gold standard” for getting the most amount of ozone into the body. A patient would have an IV placed. The patient’s blood would then be allowed to drain by gravity into a bag on the floor. When about 200cc of blood had filled the bag it would then be hung up above the patient. Then ozone gas is injected into the bag to mix with the patient’s blood. It was then dripped back into the patient.
Compared to the Hyperbaric 10 Pass this method was extremely inefficient and only delivered a small fraction of ozone. There is also some concern that the ozone gas would react to the plastic bag that the blood was collected in. With Hyperbaric 10 Pass there is a glass jar used rather than a plastic bag.
We do not offer Major Autohemotherapy because our other treatment methods, Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy and Ozone Dialysis are so much more efficient and deliver exponentially more ozone to the body.
The Hyperbaric 10 Pass (HBO3) was invented by an Austrian GYN doctor, Dr. Johann Lahodny. In this procedure the patient has one IV through which 200cc of blood is pulled into a glass vial using a slight vacuum pressure. Then through a separate line ozone is added to this glass vial – about 200 – 500cc. The blood and ozone are mixed then the blood is allowed back through the IV to the patient. That is considered one “pass”. Typically the patient has 10 of these passes done in one sitting – usually taking about one hour. This was the gold standard for getting the most amount of ozone into the body at one time. Once the ozone dialysis was developed by Dr. Robert Rowen it was found to get 4-6 times the amount of ozone than the Hyperbaric 10 Pass. Dr. Julia Ward was trained by Dr. Robert Rowen in both Hyperbaric 10 Pass and Ozone Dialysis.
EBOO (Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation & Ozonation) is another procedure that is comparable to Ozone Dialysis. It uses a separate machine (different manufacturer) than the one used for Hyperbaric 10 Pass and Ozone Dialysis.
Still considering Ozone Limb Bagging?
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Ozone Joint Injection (Prolozone)
Joint pain could be more than just a nagging problem. It can severely limit your mobility and affect your daily life, especially if you are experiencing knee or shoulder pain.
That’s because your knees support most of your body’s weight, and they enable you to sit, stand, walk, run, lift, jump, and crouch with ease. The knee is the largest and one of the sturdiest joints in your body. Yet, because the knee is such a complex structure with its network of bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage, it can easily develop arthritis-related injury or degeneration that causes chronic pain.
There are numerous ways to treat chronic knee or shoulder pain, but invasive surgery or medications aren’t your only answer. A safer yet effective treatment option is Ozone Joint Injection also known as Prolozone.
What is Ozone?
Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3). We generate ozone by running an electrical current through medical grade oxygen.

What is Ozone Joint Injection (Prolozone)?
Ozone Joint Injection is a medical procedure that involves injecting ozone gas into a joint to help reduce pain and inflammation. It is a form of ozone therapy that is used to treat various joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other types of joint pain.
Who can benefit from Ozone Joint Injection?
In addition to relieving joint pain, promoting healing and recovery, and improving function and mobility, Ozone Joint Injection can safely and successfully treat a host of medical conditions including:
- Kee pain
- Muscle pain
- Sports injuries
- A sluggish immune system
- Viruses and other germs in the body
What are the health benefits of Ozone Joint Therapy?
For many people, Ozone Joint Injection (Prolozone) is an ideal alternative to invasive surgery and a long recovery period. Instead, a customized series of prolozone injections can help your joint pain subside naturally, without surgery. Prolozone therapy also stabilizes the treated area by helping to strengthen damaged or injured tissue. It also:
- Decreases inflammation
- Kills pathogens (bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast)
- Increases stem cells
How to prepare for your Ozone Joint Therapy?
It is best to have at least a small amount of inflammation present in the joint space. Avoid taking things like ibuprofen (Motrin), Naprosyn or Tylenol for about 1 week prior to the procedure.
What to expect during my Ozone Joint Therapy?
During the procedure, a small amount of a local anesthetic (procaine) is first injected into the joint space. Then ozone gas is injected directly into the same joint. The ozone gas can help stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory molecules, such as cytokines and prostaglandins, which can help reduce pain and swelling in the joint. It can also stimulate stem cells to migrate to the joint space. Ozone gas also has antimicrobial properties, which may help reduce the risk of infection in the joint.
How do you feel after Ozone Joint Therapy?
For many patients this procedure brings relief of pain within a few hours. The effects can last from days to months depending on the patient and depending on the degree of inflammation and pathology initially present.
Are there any risks or side effects to Ozone Joint Therapy?
While Ozone Joint injection is generally considered safe, there are some potential risks and side effects associated with the procedure. These can include infection, allergic reactions, and nerve damage.
Still considering Ozone Joint Therapy?
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Hemealumen IV Therapy
What is Hemealumen IV therapy?
The Hemealumen IV therapy is designed to deliver a significant amount of wide spectrum photonic energy over a prolonged period of time via an energetic photonic infusion of the blood.
The Hemealumen IV utilizes multiple light sources and is equipped with both a high power dual-wavelength UVA light source and a high output UVC source, along with 60 watts of multiple visible wavelengths. The combined UV sources deactivate the DNA of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens and thus destroy their ability to multiply and cause disease. Specifically, UV-C light causes damage to the nucleic acid of microorganisms by forming covalent bonds between certain adjacent bases in the DNA.
In addition, the UV lights improve the energy production of the mitochondria. The UV lights have peak energy absorptions specific to NAD+ and NADH. These are involved in redox reactions in the cells and is a key component of energy production in cells.
Who can benefit from Hemealumen IV therapy?
Anyone who is trying to get rid of a chronic or acute infection – bacterial or viral. Those with cancer especially benefit as the UV radiation denatures proteins that only cancer cells make. Anyone with chronic fatigue or anyone who needs their immune system boosted would benefit.
What are the health benefits of Hemealumen IV therapy?
The Hemalumen IV ultraviolet blood irradiation has been shown to have the following benefits:
- Makes bacteria and viruses in the blood unable to replicate
- Increases tissue oxygenation
- Increases energy production by mitochondria
- Stimulates lymphatic detoxification
- Activates NAD+ and the immune system which further destroys bacteria, viruses and mold
- Dismantles a protein made mostly by cancer cells (nagalase is a protein that disables the body’s immune system)
How to prepare for Hemealumen IV treatment?
No preparation needed.
Can Hemalumen IV therapy be combined with any other treatments?
Yes! The Hemalumen IV therapy is always done in conjunction with the Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy or Ozone Dialysis.
Still considering Hemealumen IV Therapy?
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Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy
What is Ozone?
Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3). We generate ozone by running an electrical current through medical grade oxygen.
What exactly is ozone therapy?
Dr. Julia Ward employs three different ozone therapies: Direct Intravenous Ozone Therapy, Ozone Dialysis and Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy. We detail each treatment separately but first, what exactly is ozone therapy? Ozone therapy takes medical-grade ozone, which is a highly reactive form of pure oxygen and creates a curative response in the body. The reactive properties of ozone stimulate the body to heal itself which is the cornerstone of regenerative medicine Dr. Julia Ward is offering.
What is Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy?
Ten-Pass Hyperbaric Ozone was first developed in Austria and is a method of delivering ozone intravenously at levels much higher than regular IV ozone therapies. The Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy (HBO3) was invented by an Austrian GYN doctor, Dr. Johann Lahodny. In this procedure the patient has one IV through which 200cc of blood is pulled into a glass vial using a slight vacuum pressure. Then through a separate line ozone is added to this glass vial – about 200 – 500cc. The blood and ozone are mixed then the blood is allowed back through the IV to the patient. That is considered one “pass”. Typically the patient has 10 of these passes done in one sitting – usually taking about one hour. This was the gold standard for getting the most amount of ozone into the body at one time. Once the Ozone Dialysis was developed by Dr. Robert Rowen it was found to get 4-6 times the amount of ozone than the HBO3.
Who can benefit from Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy?
Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy is effective against many conditions including:
- Lyme disease
- Chronic inflammation and pain
- Autoimmune disease
- Mold and mycotoxin illness
- Chronic Viruses
- Chronic fatigue
- Multiple sclerosis
- Shingles
- Fibromyalgia
- Cardiovascular and circulatory disorders
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Hypertension
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Hepatitis
- Herpes
- Chemical sensitivity
- Macular degeneration
- Chronic bladder conditions
- Crohn’s disease
- Colitis
- Eczema and psoriasis
- Lipid disorders
What are the health benefits of Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy?
In addition to treating the above conditions, it can also activate anti-aging pathways and provide a boost in athletic performance. Many of my patients report improved energy, cognitive function, and faster recovery times.
- Boost immune system
- Enhance athletic performance
- Stimulate oxygen metabolism
- Improve energy
- Decrease chronic pain
- Improve cognitive function
- Decrease inflammation
- Detoxify the body
- Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasites, fungi, and protozoa
- Promote longevity
- Improve circulation
- Heal or recover faster from wounds, surgery, burns
How to prepare for Hyperbaric 10 Pass treatment?
- Drink plenty of water the day prior to and the day of treatment
- Eat something before coming into the office
- Take vitamin C 5-6 times throughout the day
- Take a good quality probiotic. I highly recommended to use Doctor’s Biome as this has been shown to help boost the immune system and further get rid of chronic viral infections (use code: WARD23 for a discount)
- Lift weights as this will help increase vein size
What to expect during my Hyperbaric 10 Pass treatment?
You will arrive and be shown to our ozone treatment room. You will then sit in a very comfortable recliner. Blankets and pillows will be provided. You will be asked to read over and sign the consent form. Any questions about the procedure will be answered at this time.
Monitors are placed – blood pressure, ECG (3 lead), heart rate, breathing, and oxygen saturation.
The first IV will be placed in one arm after which it will be “heparin locked” and taped securely. Then the second IV is placed in the opposite arm (also heparin locked). The tubing for the procedure is then set up (takes about 5-10 minutes). A tourniquet is then placed on one arm above the IV and the out going tube is attached to the IV. The dialysis pump then starts to pump the blood through the system. Once the blood reaches the UV radiation machine (HemaLumen) then the return flow is hooked up to the second IV. We then monitor you during this hour long procedure. The outflow blood is then stopped while the rest of the blood in the tubing is allowed to return completely.
A final set of vital signs are completed.
What is the difference between Hyperbaric 10 Pass therapy and other ozone therapies?
While we do offer this service we recommend doing the Ozone Dialysis over this procedure for a few reasons.
- It is far easier for both you as the patient and me as the provider to do Ozone Dialysis vs. Hyperbaric 10 Pass therapy. With Hyperbaric 10 Pass therapy there is only one IV through which the blood is going back and forth from the patient to the glass jar.
- during the vacuum phase the patient has a tourniquet on and has to squeeze a ball to pump the blood into the glass jar
- Clots can form both at the IV site and at the insertions point into the glass jar. We do add heparin to the system but it can still happen. This is not dangerous but it can slow down the process.
- With Ozone Dialysis once the two IVs are set there is no “work” on the patient’s part. All the work is done by the dialysis pump – it flows in a continuous circle from one IV through the dialyzer, then the O3 is added, then it goes to the HemaLumen and then back into the second IV.
- With Ozone Dialysis you get 4-6 times more ozone mixed with the blood than you do with Hyperbaric 10 Pass therapy.
- Less heparin is used with Ozone Dialysis than with Hyperbaric 10 Pass therapy.
In a nutshell you get more ozone, less complications, and less work using the Ozone Dialysis rather than the Hyperbaric 10 Pass therapy.
How do you feel after Hyperbaric 10 Pass?
Typically people feel more energetic and more clear headed after the treatment. Occasionally some may feel a bit fatigued immediately following the treatment but then feel more energetic and clear headed the next day.
Can Hyperbaric 10 Pass treatment be combined with any other treatments to enhance results?
Yes! It is a great compliment to any treatment for cancer, Lyme, mold, or autoimmune disorders.
Still considering Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy?
Talk to us now
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Ozone Dialysis Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Total Body Healing
Ozone Dialysis Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Total Body Healing
Ozone Dialysis Therapy at Dr. Julia Ward’s clinic offers a powerful solution for those suffering from chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, infections, and inflammation. By utilizing medical-grade ozone, this treatment works at the cellular level to detoxify the body, support immunity, and promote healing. Ozone therapy takes traditional healing a step further, introducing high-purity oxygen to stimulate the body’s own regenerative mechanisms.
What is Ozone?
Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3). We generate ozone by running an electrical current through medical grade oxygen.
What is Ozone Therapy?
Dr. Julia Ward employs three different ozone therapies: Direct Intravenous Ozone Therapy, Ozone Dialysis and Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy. We detail each treatment separately but first, what exactly is ozone therapy? Ozone therapy takes medical-grade ozone, which is a highly reactive form of pure oxygen and creates a curative response in the body. The reactive properties of ozone stimulate the body to heal itself which is the cornerstone of regenerative medicine Dr. Julia Ward is offering.
What is Ozone Dialysis?
The Ozone Dialysis procedure involves having an IV in one arm, a pump that moves the blood through a system of micro-tubules, then the ozone is added to the blood as it is moving through the system. The blood can then be sent through a UV radiation machine (the Hemalumen) and finally it returns to the patient in a second IV in the opposite arm. The patient typically relaxes in a recliner for an hour as the blood is pumped around in this manner. In this way ozone is added to about 2 liters of blood. (about 1/3 of the total blood volume).
This is ideal for anyone who is acutely sick with a virus or bacterial infection. Also great for anyone with an autoimmune disorder or cancer.
Patients generally report feeling better right away or the next day. They have more energy and clearer thinking.
Key Benefits of Ozone Dialysis Therapy
- Cellular Detoxification: Effectively removes toxins, heavy metals, and environmental pollutants at a cellular level.
- Boosted Immune Function: Supports immune resilience against chronic infections, including Lyme disease, long COVID, and other persistent conditions.
- Reduced Inflammation: Alleviates symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders, arthritis, and inflammatory illnesses.
- Enhanced Energy and Mental Clarity: Many patients report increased energy, focus, and overall well-being after treatment.
Who can benefit from Ozone Dialysis?
Ozone Dialysis may be used for a variety of conditions. Patients with the following conditions often see improvement:
- Lyme disease
- Chronic inflammation and pain
- Autoimmune disease
- Mold and mycotoxin illness
- Chronic Viruses
- Chronic fatigue
- Multiple sclerosis
- Shingles
- Fibromyalgia
- Cardiovascular and circulatory disorders
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Hypertension
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Hepatitis
- Herpes
- Chemical sensitivity
- Macular degeneration
- Chronic bladder conditions
- Crohn’s disease
- Colitis
- Eczema and psoriasis
- Lipid disorders
What are the health benefits of Ozone Dialysis?
Some of the health benefits of Ozone Dialysis are:
- Boost immune system
- Enhance athletic performance
- Stimulate oxygen metabolism
- Improve energy
- Decrease chronic pain
- Improve cognitive function
- Decrease inflammation
- Detoxify the body
- Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasites, fungi, and protozoa
- Promote longevity
- Improve circulation
- Heal or recover faster from wounds, surgery, burns
How to prepare for your Ozone Dialysis treatment?
- Drink plenty of water the day prior to and the day of treatment
- Eat something before coming into the office
- Take vitamin C 5-6 times throughout the day
- Take a good quality probiotic. I highly recommended to use Doctor’s Biome as this has been shown to help boost the immune system and further get rid of chronic viral infections (use code: WARD23 for a discount)
- Lift weights as this will help increase vein size
What to expect during my Ozone Dialysis treatment?
You will arrive and be shown to our ozone treatment room. You will then sit in a very comfortable recliner. Blankets and pillows will be provided. You will be asked to read over and sign the consent form. Any questions about the procedure will be answered at this time.
Monitors are placed – blood pressure, ECG (3 lead), heart rate, breathing, and oxygen saturation.
The first IV will be placed in one arm after which it will be “heparin locked” and taped securely. Then the second IV is placed in the opposite arm (also heparin locked). The tubing for the procedure is then set up (takes about 5-10 minutes). A tourniquet is then placed on one arm above the IV and the out going tube is attached to the IV. The dialysis pump then starts to pump the blood through the system. Once the blood reaches the UV radiation machine (HemaLumen) then the return flow is hooked up to the second IV. We then monitor you during this hour long procedure. The outflow blood is then stopped while the rest of the blood in the tubing is allowed to return completely.
A final set of vital signs are completed.
What is the difference between Ozone Dialysis and other Ozone Therapies?
The original method of mixing ozone with blood outside the body was called MAH: Major Auto-Hemotherapy. In this method an IV was placed, about 200cc of blood was allowed to drain into a plastic bag on the floor. The bag was then hung up and 200cc of ozone was then mixed into the bag then allowed to drip back into the patient. Obviously this was very inefficient and only allowed minimal amounts of ozone to be mixed with the blood.
The Hyperbaric 10 Pass (HBO3) was invented by an Austrian GYN doctor, Dr. Johann Lahodny. In this procedure the patient has one IV through which 200cc of blood is pulled into a glass vial using a slight vacuum pressure. Then through a separate line ozone is added to this glass vial – about 200 – 500cc. The blood and ozone are mixed then the blood is allowed back through the IV to the patient. That is considered one “pass”. Typically the patient has 10 of these passes done in one sitting – usually taking about one hour. This was the gold standard for getting the most amount of ozone into the body at one time. Once the ozone dialysis was developed by Dr. Robert Rowen it was found to get 4-6 times the amount of ozone than the Hyperbaric 10 Pass. Dr. Julia Ward was trained by Dr. Robert Rowen in both Hyperbaric 10 Pass and Ozone Dialysis.
EBOO (Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation & Ozonation) is another procedure that is comparable to Ozone Dialysis. It uses a separate machine (different manufacturer) than the one used for Hyperbaric 10 Pass and Ozone Dialysis.
How do you feel after Ozone Dialysis?
Typically people feel more energetic and more clear headed after the treatment. Occasionally some may feel a bit fatigued immediately following the treatment but then feel more energetic and clear headed the next day.
Can Ozone Dialysis treatment be combined with any other treatments to enhance results?
Yes! It is a great compliment to any treatment for cancer, Lyme, mold, or autoimmune disorders.
Still considering Ozone Dialysis?
Talk to us now
Fill the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you. Alternatively, during our working hours, click the number below to talk to us now.
Ozone Direct IV
What is Ozone?
Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3). We generate ozone by running an electrical current through medical grade oxygen. Ozone kills viruses, bacteria, mold, and yeast on contact.
What exactly is ozone therapy?
Dr. Julia Ward employs three different ozone therapies: Direct Intravenous Ozone Therapy, Ozone Dialysis and Hyperbaric 10 Pass Therapy. We detail each treatment separately but first, what exactly is ozone therapy? Ozone therapy takes medical-grade ozone, which is a highly reactive form of pure oxygen and creates a curative response in the body. The reactive properties of ozone stimulate the body to heal itself which is the cornerstone of regenerative medicine Dr. Julia Ward is offering.
What is Ozone Direct IV?
The Ozone Direct IV method is where a syringe of ozone (20cc – 60cc) is very slowly injected into a vein using a very small (27g) butterfly needle to stimulates your immune system to increase in a balanced way: it signals your immune system to go after free radicals and toxins. It also increases energy production from the mitochondria (the energy producing organelles in our cells). The main concern when people see this method for the first time is: “I thought you were not supposed to put air in a vein?”
This is NOT air but 100% oxygen with a small percentage of O3. In order to create a gas embolism one would need to inject a much larger volume of gas over a very short period of time with a much larger needle.
It is impossible to create a gas embolism with a 27g needle and 60cc oxygen/ozone when administered over 5-10 minutes.
This method is key and essential for getting rid of chronic viral infections. To get rid of a viral infection completely one needs to do Ozone Direct IV treatment 3-4 times per week (12 treatments per month). There is no way to predict how many treatments one will need. It is somewhere between 40-200.
We encourage patients to include treatments like the Hyperbaric 10 Pass or Ozone Dialysis to speed up the process, but it is necessary to do a certain number of Ozone Direct IV treatments as well.
Who can benefit from Ozone Direct IV?
Anyone who is trying to get rid of a chronic or acute viral infection.
What are the health benefits of Ozone Direct IV?
- Clear head
- More energy
- It is possible to seroconvert patients from positive antibodies, of say herpes virus, to negative
- Decreases inflammation
- Boosts the immune system
- Kills viruses, bacteria, mold, yeast, and chelates heavy metals
How to prepare for Ozone Direct IV treatment?
- Drink plenty of water the day prior to and the day of treatment
- Eat something before coming into the office
- Take vitamin C 5-6 times throughout the day
- Take a good quality probiotic. I highly recommended to use Doctor’s Biome as this has been shown to help boost the immune system and further get rid of chronic viral infections (use code: WARD23 for a discount)
- Lift weights as this will help increase vein size
What to expect during my Ozone Direct IV treatment?
In the beginning one can feel a chest tightness or even a coughing sensation. This usually happens about 5 minutes after the procedure is done. This is due to the ozone coming out of circulation when it hits the lungs. Ozone in the lungs can be irritating – chest tightness and/or coughing. It is however very safe and theses symptoms (if they happen at all) will pass within 10 minutes. We do have an oxygen mask nearby to use if this becomes an issue. Over time with repeated treatments the body gets used to this and you will no longer feel this sensation.
What is the difference between Ozone Direct IV and other ozone therapies?
In Ozone Direct IV treatment less ozone is delivered to the body than via Hyperbaric 10 Pass or Ozone Dialysis,however it is key and essential for getting rid of chronic viral infections such as HSV or HepC.
How do you feel after Ozone Direct IV?
Some report an increase in energy, a clearing of brain fog, and/or less inflammation in general.
What are the risks of Ozone Direct IV treatment?
Chest tightness or coughing. This is self limited and usually goes away after the first several treatments. It can irritate the veins causing a “thrombophlebitis”.
Can Ozone Direct IV treatment be combined with any other treatments to enhance results?
This is a great compliment to any treatment that is trying to reduce inflammation and /or boost the immune system.
Still considering Ozone Direct IV?
Talk to us now
Fill the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you. Alternatively, during our working hours, click the number below to talk to us now.